Monday, June 15, 2009

Fiji (18th May - 5th June 2009)

18th May - When we got to Fiji we'd lost a day of our lives... Always good to know. We were really tired and pretty much ate dinner and went to sleep.

19th May - We sunbathed by the pool but didn't go in. Its not that hot in Fiji... We booked our day trips to the other islands at the tour desk in our hostel, which was really helpful. We were kinda bored in Nadi.

20th May - We sunbathed on the beach again but actually got a lounger to lie on for once. It rained for the first time for ages today! Tonight we watched a Fijian Show which included fire dancing. It was free too which was good! Packed up and got ready to leave for Robinson Crusoe Island tomorrow.

21st May - We were picked up at 11 by a shuttle bus which took us to a small jetty in the middle of the countryside then we got on a speedboat to the island. We arrived on a day trip-day so we weren't immediately impressed with the cheesey activities for the day. Especially the fake turtle watching... When the day trippers left, we watched the most amazing sunset on the beach and chatted to the other people staying on the island, and had a Kava Ceremony to welcome us. We had a bonfire and a pool party later and really enjoyed it.

22nd May - It was pretty hot today. We sunbathed and swam in the pool. We went into the jungle to collect leaves to make costumes for 'Join the Tribe' day. A german girl had a jumping spider on her back and I felt so bad because none of us could get it off her. It soon jumped off though. And we noticed that there were lots of spiders all over the coconut leaves! Argh! We hug races and tug of war contests on the beach. I hid from the kava ceremony. I don't think I could've handled it, especially not with a hangover. We played the spinning stick game in the sand, which was so funny! We were locked in a cage for losing... We stayed up and got our legs bitten to shreds!

23rd May - We sunbathed again, although there wasnt much sun but it was warm enough. We spent literally the entire day making jewellery out of coconuts which was so fun! I got addicted to sanding it until Frankie told me to stop! The hardest part was removing the outer shell of the coconut. I had my first ever bucket shower today and actually had enough water to shave my legs and shampoo my hair! There was a night-trip so we missed out on the Kava Ceremony. We saw a Sea Snake come out of the sea just as the night-trippers arrived and the guy grabbed it by the tail and threw it back in! It absolutely poured with rain but the staff still danced! Crazy

24th May - We started off reading on the beach but as soon as Frankie left with others for snorkelling (honestly it was too cold for snorkelling!) it started chucking it down! Apparently they saw a metre long sea snake along side the boat too and they still snorkelled. And after seeing that reef shark yesterday too!! The place was practically flooded by dinner time. The staff danced in torrential downpours and Frankie played volleyball then went in the pool because they were that soaked! We had our final Kava Ceremony and said goodbye to everyone and welcomed the new people. We held it in the 'nightclub' because it was wet and freezing outside.

25th May - We left Robinson Crusoe straight after breakfast and everyone gathered on the beach to sing us goodbye, which was cool. The weather cleared up and it was actually sunny, although still rainy, in Nadi. We did boring stuff like laundry (because all our clothes were damp) and went online for a while. We were happy to go to sleep earlier than midnight for once too!

26th May - At 9am (fiji time) we got our speedboat to Mana. We'd wisely left my backpack in luggage storage this time and put my stuff in Frankie's bag and the stuff he wouldnt need we left behind with my bag. Was so much easier. Although the boat did break down and we had to change boats in the middle of the ocean, so it's lucky we only had one bag!! It made me so sea sick! We started sunbathing as soon as we got to Mana but soon the clouds appeared and then it started pouring again. As we went inside we saw our friends Tasha and hayley that we'd met at Robinson Crusoe so we just chatted to them until the rain died down. After the rain, me and Frankie walked over to the Survivor film location on the other side f the beach which was eerie and we got bitten to death!!

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