Friday, May 8, 2009

29th April - 1st May 2009 (Travelling from Mexico to Hawaii)

We left Meson De Tulum in Cancun at like 5am to catch an ADO shuttle to the airport for our flight at 9.05am. We were kinda glad to be leaving Mexico now after the swine flu pandemic thingy but it was a bit scary being all ccramped up on the plane. We changed in Houston then flew to San Diego.

When we got to San Diego (USA Hostels this time) we rushed out to get some money out to post our Mexican purchases home. But neither of our cards were working!! So Frankie rang his bank and got his card unblocked, and we were all happy and relieved that we could get money and send back our stuff! Now our bags are a bit lighter. We did laundry (which we really really needed to do) and a load of other boring chores and stuff before getting free beer and pizza at the hostel's 15th year birthday party.

We left to catch our Greyhound bus to LA at 8.30am and got there at about midday. We then caught 2 buses and the metro underground to the airport and finally got there at around 2.30 ish. It was a 6 hour flight to Hawaii from LA. We saw one poo poo film and they didnt FEED US!! We had one tiny dribble of drink and that was it. We were starving when we got to our Hawaii hostel at about 9pm. Don't fly with American Airlines...

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