Wednesday, April 29, 2009

moving on to valladolid from merida 27th-29th

headed down to the merida hammock store and got a rainbow coloured hammock. $250 peso´s, which is about 15 pounds!! heading back to the hostel we stopped off at cafe`el hoyo, for a frape.
the cafe was cool but it smelled a bit of poo adn the frape´s wereƱ´t as great as the first time we had been there!! still waspretty nice to have a cold drink even if the ice was probably made from their shady tap water.
we cought the Ado buss from the merida buss station to Valladolid, which tok about 2 hours, when we got to valladolid it was a pretty undeveloped town in pretty much every sense. this even included teh pavements which seemed to have electric wires poping out of the floor every so oftern.
we went strait to one of the hotels sugested in the bok, was 180 pesso´s for the night,we aid the guy after seeing the truely rancid room. we headed out to see if we could find anywere nicer for the next night. tho as soon as we went in the hotel valladolid we decided to just pay for anothing rom and spendboth night there! unlike he lily hotel it had air con, a nice bed and didnt look like it would give us desseases saying there!!!

got up early the next day and cought a collectivo to Chichen Itza, (the most famouseof the mayan ruins in the Yakatan) got there about 9:30 and it was prety much deserted. wandered round there for a few hours, whcich was pretty epic then cought a collectivo back to Valladolid.
got some lunch from cafe squimoz then got a taxi to the cenotes dzitnup, supposedly the most picturest and most photgraphed of all the cinotes! appart from the staires that ran down into the cave it was amazing. a huge cave with stalegtights hanging down and birds flying in and out of the opening at the roof of the cave, as wel as the crystal clear pol at the bottom. unfortunatley the cave was so huge it was pretty difficult to take any decent pictures of it!

headed back to town, got some fod for that evening (salad wraps) had a frape fron the cafe squimoz and spent the evening watching random american films with spanish subtitles.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday 26th April 2009

Hiiii everyone, and welcome to our bloggy blog blog - i had a brainwave that it might be easier than facebooking all the time! But it might not be...

We don't really know how to use this thing and as we're being timed on every computer we log into some things I write might not make sense! But hi.

We're in Merida again. Travelled up from Campeche this morning by ADO coach and we're just staying here for one night and then tomorrow we´re going to Valladollid (so that we can see the ruins in Chichen Itza). We're staying at the Nomadas hostel again so we got to chill by the pool for a bit when we got here!

We tried to buy a hammock today but its a sunday and the shop was closed so we're going to try again tomorrow! Theres quite a lot of cool stuff to buy in Merida though so we're going to have a look round tonight for anything else to buy. We've got some extra money (kinda) because we've been so super stingey!

Anyway, thats pretty much all we´ve done today. Nooowwww, I'm going to send everyone the link so that they can read my work-of-art blog entry! Exciting stuff!